Another week has come and gone. There is a HUGE list of things that I did (not) do.
I will (not) bore you with all of them. Here’s some of them.
This week was (not) really, really long. Work did (not) entail putting out one fire after another. I am (not) complaining about work in a public forum. I do (not) enjoy the work I do – that comes out wrong when I turn it around. I DO enjoy the work I do. Typically. Most weeks. Most parts of it.
New topic.
This week I did (not) find out that the perfect townhouse place I planned to rent is (not) going to work out. Grrrr. So I am (not) back to apartment hunting. I do (not) hate apartment hunting. Maybe if I repeat it I’ll believe it. I do (not) hate apartment hunting, I do (not) hate apartment hunting.
I do (not) really like using the strikethrough.
I did (not) attend my first pro baseball game this week. Twins vs. Astros. I did (not) have to practically beg to get someone to go with me. All my friends did (not) have other plans for Father’s Day already (Happy Father’s Day!) It was (not) a really good game anyway – even thought the Twins lost.
There are a LOT of other things that I did (not) do this week, but I promised I would (not) bore you with them. Head over to MckMama’s blog to read about all the other things that were (not) done this week.
Don't you love long weeks at work? Nice. At least we are in a new week, right? Hope it is going better!