This is (not) my first Not Me! Monday posting!! I’ve been following MckMama over at mycharmingkids for a while and now that I have a blog I can finally participate! You see, she started Not Me! Mondays and now has a huge following of folks that do it too! Head over there and read about all the things that folks did (not) do this week.
Being able to participate in Not Me Mondays is (not) one of the pro's to starting my own blog. So, in case you were wondering, I was completely perfect this last week.
I am (not) so far behind on a big project at work that is due this week that I did (not) sequester myself away in a conference room for the week so I won't be distracted. I have (not) been working on this project at work for over a year, and if I had been, I would (not) have worked on it so much that my mind is now numb.
While in seclusion I was (not) so easily distracted that I checked blogger repeatedly hoping someone had posted something more interesting than my project. If I had, and had read through everything I could get my hands on, I would (not) have felt the need to write this post, which I did (not) do while I should have been working. Not when my very big project is due in little less than three days.
Not me!
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